Core Health and Wealth International has partnered with Groundbreaker to improve school infrastructure of public schools in rural Kenya. The first project is the Mukomari PEFA Primary School. Education is one of the five Pillars of Core Health and Wealth International. The focus is to avail opportunity to all children to enjoy quality education. Due to poor infrastructure and lack of basic facilities many children from poor backgrounds don’t access quality education and therefore are disadvantaged in the journey of life. Therefore the partnership with Groundbreaker is important in giving equal opportunity to the learners. Upgrading these facilities will increase school enrollment and the learning environment of learners thereby lifting the overall quality of education. With this project, we envisage increased enrollment to Secondary schools and ultimately increased enrollment to universities and hence improved socioeconomic outcomes for the community.
The first in this series is the Groundbreaker_Mukomari project which entails construction of 6 classrooms and 10 pit latrines
The current status of Mukomari primary school classrooms
Building Materials delivered on site
setting up the foundation
members of the community offer casual labor